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Small Comforts Kitchen

Small Comforts Kitchen

Role: Art Director, Designer (Brand, Packaging), Creative Strategist, Illustrator, Copywriter

The Brand

Small Comforts Kitchen is a micro-bakery based out of Knoxville, TN. While the gluten-free baking space has grown in recent years, it is still very rare to find bakeries that take creative risks or focus on gourmet menus because of dietary limitations. SCK stands out in this industry for its unique approach of using high-quality, seasonal ingredients to guide the baking process.

The Problem

Because the gluten-free space is fairly niche, SCK has struggled to break out of this industry and appeal to people who don’t necessarily follow a gluten-free diet. The goal of this project was to create a brand that felt youthful, polished, and focused on SCK’s gourmet roots.

The Solution

I created a brand system that features a patisserie-inspired color palette, thoughtful typography, and a variety of mouthwatering illustrations to emphasize SCK’s delicious products. The result is a gluten-free, gourmet baking brand that delights customers and consistently sells out of all their products at events.

SCK Founder, Jordan Smith