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Character Coffee

Character Coffee Co.

Role: Art Director, Designer (Brand, Packaging), Illustrator, Copywriter

Concept Project

The Brand

Character Coffee is a new e-commerce coffee company. This brand provides a unique and personalized coffee experience by using Jung’s theory of archetypes to create different coffee “characters” to help consumers find their perfect brew. The result is a playful, engaging brand aimed at providing customers a deeper understanding of flavors (and themselves) at all touchpoints.

The Problem

The challenge in creating this brand was to explain the concept of the different personas (or “characters”) without overwhelming the user. The goal was to create a system that felt fun and lively, without getting too entrenched in archetypal theory.

The Solution

I created a brand system using hand-drawn illustrations, a mobile app, and thoughtful copy to explain the different “characters” and match the user with their perfect coffee blend.