Case Study Cover Photos - Henson Template8.jpg



Role: Art Director, Designer (Brand, UI), Illustrator

Concept Project

The Brand

Rise is a new mobile app with a mission — to help users practice self-care, take control of their mental well-being, and transform their lives for the better.

The Problem

The objective of the app is to encourage users to notice small changes in their mood, lifestyle, energy, etc. within an interface that feels calm and peaceful to use. As such, the main challenge of this project was presenting a wide variety of options and functionalities within the app in an intuitive way that wouldn’t overwhelm or confuse the user.

The Solution

By using simple layouts, calming gradients, and minimalistic illustrations throughout the components, I was able to create a user experience that highlights the unique content and features of the app while maintaining the calm, spacious feeling of the overall Rise brand throughout.